On Lists and Areas
Although this may contradict Ede's call to the committee (and I hate to disagree with Ede), I'd like to make another call for the committee to work on a plenary powers or other "areas" resolution, in part based on Paul's comments below and in part based on what I have heard over the past two days. I apologize in advance for the length - I had not a lot of time to edit.
First, Paul is correct when he states that the Court almost never directly states that X case is overruled. It overrules its precedents by announcing new rules that displace the old ones. As an example -- in Lawrence, the Supreme Court announces that there is a privacy interest in adult, consensual, private sexual conduct, thereby overruling Bowers. The Supreme Court chose to overrule Bowers in that way, but it could have done so in an infinite number of ways -- by announcing a completely new test for fundamental rights, by ruling on the basis of equal protection (which O'Connor did in her concurrence), by ruling on the basis of the first amendment right to expressive association (which many law review scholars advocated), by ruling on the basis of the privileges and immunities clause (which an amicus brief advocated), by ruling that the regulation of sexuality is outside the state's police powers (which the CATO institute advocated), etc. I think this is what the various members of the topic committee understand when they say the topic will be "too big." Each precedent may be overruled in a tremendously large number of ways.
Because of this, I see this year headed in a dangerous direction if the resolution simply requires the Aff to overrule a case --there are very, very, very few advocates there are for the simple overruling of Supreme Court precedent without advocating a new rule to displace the old (very, very, very few - pretty much just conservative crackpots discussing the need to "overrule Roe"). Once the community realizes this, I foresee Affirmatives that do a huge, wide range of things in very disparate areas of the law (examples -- if Glucksberg or Casey is included -- plan: rule that gays have a fundamental right to marry/kids have a right to education/etc., thereby overruling the test used in Glucksberg and Casey holding that fundamental rights must be deeply rooted in the concept of ordered liberty). Affirmatives will overrule the cases on your "list" resolutions by doing virtually anything that they want.
You are listing cases that come from a huge range of areas of the law -- your smallest resolution includes these:
Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992)
Ex parte Quirin (1942)
U.S. v. Morrison (2000)
Milliken v. Bradley (1974)
Gratz v. Bollinger (2003)
Casey involves substantive due process - the test for what constitutes a fundamental right. This means one could overrule Casey by doing ALMOST ANYTHING that announces a new fundamental right by displacing the Casey test.
Ex parte Quirin involves the war powers of the president - one could overrule Quirin by limiting the war powers of the president or by announcing a new test for the judicial evaluation of those powers (displacing that announced in Quirin) or by announcing that questions concerning the president's war powers are now to be considered "political questions" from which the court will now abstain, etc.
Morrison involves both Congress's commerce power and its enforcement powers under section 5 of the 14th amendment. Since Congress has not passed the VAWA again, the Court could only overrule Morrison by announcing new tests for the evaluation of the scope of Congress's commerce power or its section 5 authority. In other words, the Court could "overrule" Morrison by announcing almost any piece of Congressional legislation constitutional under the 14th amendment or the interstate commerce clause. This is particularly dangerous since the Negative will need to be prepared to debate both "Court affirms legislation" and "Court strikes down legislation" Affs.
Milliken involves the authority of courts to order injunctive relief. Yes, the case involved a desegregation order, but you won't find authors advocating that the Supreme Court overrule Milliken by approving the plan that was ordered in effect in Detroit because no such plan exists today to approve - what you will find are any number of authors who advocate enlarging the authority of the courts to order various remedies, thereby overruling the central holding of Milliken that the plan in effect was impermissible. There are also, of course, the racial aspects of Milliken, which held that busing remedies could extend across district lines only where there was actual evidence that multiple districts had deliberately engaged in a policy of segregation. Well, you could overrule Milliken by holding that there was, in fact, evidence of intentional segregation in Detroit (thereby overruling the main factual holding of the case, but leaving the legal rule the same).
Finally, Gratz involves the evaluation of an affirmative action plan under the equal protection clause. This is another hugely bidirectional case -- you could overrule Gratz by holding that diversity is not a compelling state interest OR by holding that affirmative action plans should not be subject to strict scrutiny because they remedy racial discrimination. There are solvency advocates for doing so in a variety of ways.
I hope I have given you a sense of how huge the topic could get. I think the community seriously needs to consider the scope of the resolution and needs to consider putting some limited "areas" resolutions on the ballot.
I'll advocate here for plenary powers since I genuinely think it would be a much more limited topic than the "lists" resolutions presently under consideration. I also will explain why I think it is wholly faithful to the "Supreme Court overrule" topic the community elected.
As I have previously stated, the plenary power doctrine is wholly the creation of the Supreme Court. For the court to rule that the powers of the Executive or Congress are not plenary IS an overruling of court precedent. Thus, the committee could easily draft a plenary powers resolution that is faithful to the community's election of a "Sup Ct overrule" topic but that does not include the actual word "overrule."
I still say the best resolution for a plenary powers topic -- one that is limited and one that has substantial numbers of solvency advocates and one that excludes Indians -- is this one:
The United States Supreme Court should substantially limit the plenary power of the Executive or Congress in one or more of the following areas of the law: immigration, foreign affairs, public lands.
I will try to be clear about why I think this resolution is faithful to the "Supreme Court overrule" topic in case I have not been in the past. Because the Supreme Court created the doctrine of plenary powers, for the Court to now limit those powers is PRECISELY the kind of overruling of Court precedent that the legal literature is talking about when it discusses "overrule." Plus, I don't understand why the plans under a plenary powers resolution would be any more about "overrule" than the plans I have given as examples for the "lists" topic above. A plan advocating a new fundamental right (and thereby overruling Casey) doesn't "overrule" precedent any more than a plan that limits the Executive or Congress's plenary powers -- in fact, it is probably less faithful to the "overrule" topic.
I think an areas resolution is superior because the Negative will at least know the direction the Aff must go. The Negative can still use all of its "overrule" evidence (though, as Josh Zive states in his comments, the hollow hope and other courts generics are not nearly as strategically beneficial as the case debates and PICs on a courts topic -- there just aren't a huge number of Negative authors discussing why overruling precedent, in itself is bad -- just ask anyone who has debated Korematsu or Bowers whether those strategies were ever successful -- i mean, "stare decisis good" is just not a great debate argument -- do you really want every round to be "CP - do the Aff but don't overrule a case, net benefit is stare decisis"????). Debates will still be about whether the Court should backtrack from a doctrine that it created. And the community will learn a ton about a key area or two of the law -- the area that is, in fact, THE legal hot topic in a post-9/11 world. I do think a first amendment resolution would be good as well, requiring the Court to overrule one of its first amendment precedents. At least in such a resolution, the area of the law is singular and well-defined. I think you could also solve some of the problem by adding in a directional limiting phrase (requiring the Aff to rule in a particular way and not just simply to "overrule" a case).
If you have questions about this, I'm happy to talk with the topic committee today - my work number is 305-579-4414. I'm not trying to scare anyone - I just have thought about it a lot (while watching the Mavs kick total ass last night) and felt obligated to share those thoughts...I love that the community is debating a legal topic and don't want it to be another 15 years until it happens again.