End of day one thanks
We have finished up the group sessions tonight and there are small groups working on areas and cases for tomorrow's session. I wanted to thank everyone for their detailed comments. Even if we don't immediately respond to your posts they are a HUGE help. Lindsay, Anjali, Ede, Paul, Jonathan, Will and everyone else who posted or commented today - thank you for the detailed help. It is a huge resource.
We also owe Darren and the folks at KCKCC a big thanks for making the tech work. They worked hard to correct technical problems that put them above and beyond the call of service.
And thanks to everyone else who followed along and checked the blog and/or watched the live feed. People say the community isn't interested - you disagree. Our hit counter for just day one of the meetings registered 1,747 hits.
We have a lot more to do and we will work hard to keep you informed. Thanks.