In the continuing effort to limit via theme or area: EDUCATION
Originally I envisioned a resolution such as: The United States Supreme Court should overrule one or more of its previous decisions on education policy in one of the following areas: desegregation remedy, affirmative action, religious establishment, and school drug testing, free speech
The United States Supreme Court should overrule (the holdings of) one of its previous decisions related to education in the areas of school desegregation, affirmative action admission policy, establishment of religion, and school drug testing, freedom of speech
The United States Supreme Court should overrule one of its previous decisions related to education and the rights of students in the areas of school desegregation, educational affirmative action policy, establishment clause, school drug testing, freedom of speech
(italics are just indicating that I think 3 areas would be sufficient, and that beyond that would be overwhelming.)
This may be overwhelming and a thematic list would be simpler. It would be able to access “the big hits”, but without the vagueness of areas.
The USSC should overrule one or more of the following decisions in the area of education policy: Milliken v. Bradley , San Antonio v Rodriguez., Gratz v. Bollinger, Lemon v. Kurtzman, Edwards v. Aguillard 482 US 578, Lee v. Weisman 505 US 577 (5-4)-1992, Bd. Of Ed v. Earls, Veronia School v. Acton.
One other possibility . . . joking called the “Death Area”, but its really about individual liberties. But it would be interesting.
Started as:
The United States Supreme Court should overrule one or more of the following cases in one of the following areas of the law: abortion, right to die, capital punishment.
Which is obviously too broad. So perhaps:
The USSC should overrule one or more of the following cases involving the concept of privacy (or individual right, or federalism?): Glucksberg, Casey, Gregg.
I don’t know if the qualifying term at the end of the stem is necessary, but I was thinking on the fly. The biggest issue addressed previously was the viability of Glucksberg and Gregg.
Could the agenda be amended to include the discussion on edebate re: Supreme Court vs. judicial branch of the US? No one has written to defend just SCOTUS yet, and the lower courts CP, as Herndon mentioned, seems particularly devastating to education and aff offense.